Dr. Abdelhadi Abdel Wahab
Associate Professor, Coordinator; Desert farming Techniques & Soilless Agriculture Program
Office Phone:
+973 17239437
Mobile Phone:
+973 33699982
Ph.D., Global Science Kobe University, Japan 2000
M.Sc., Agriculture and Biological Science University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, U.K 1992
B.Sc., Agriculture University of Khartoum, Sudan 1985
Research Interests:
Soil and water management
Abdelhadi and Ahmed Ali Salih, (2012). Water requirements of sugar beet Beta vulgaris under heavy cracking clay soils. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology 8B, pp.865-874.Abdelhadi A.W. and Elhadi M. A., (2007). Crop water requirements of irrigated grain sorghum in central Gezira. Sudan Journal of Agricultural Research, 10, Special Issue, 47- 57.
Abdelhadi A.W. and Eman Rahmatalla, (2007). Gravimetric sampling density for accurate crop water use calculation under cracking Gezira clay soil in Sudan. Sudan Journal of Agricultural Research, 10, Special Issue, 33 - 46.
Abdelhadi A.W. and Adam H. S., (2007). Participatory water management in the Gezira scheme: The challenges ahead. Sudan Journal of Agricultural Research, 10, Special Issue, 25- 32.
Eltahir S. A., Abdelhadi A.W. and Mohamed A. E., (2007). Drought induction in Maize (Zea mays L.) through water stress treatments. Sudan Journal of Agricultural Research, 10, Special Issue, 21- 24.
Takeshi H. and Abdelhadi A.W., (2007). Agricultural water harvesting and efficient use of small reservoir for sustainable water management. Sudan Journal of Agricultural Research, 10, Special Issue, 1- 9.
Bashir M. A., Hata T., Tanakamaru H., Abdelhadi A. W. and Tada A. (2007). Remote Sensing Derived Crop Coefficient for Estimating Crop Water Requirements for irrigated sorghum in the Gezira scheme, Journal of Environmental Informatics, 10(1) 47-54.
Sirelkhatim H. Ahmed, Abdelhadi A. W., Elhadi M. A. and Hussein S. Adam. (2007). Water requirements of the main crops in the Gezira Scheme. Sudan Journal of Agricultural Research, 9, 67-89.
Bashir M.A., Hata T., Tada A., Tanakamaru H., and Abdelhadi A.W. (2007). Estimating actual evapotranspiration using surface energy balance algorithm for land (SEBAL) for Gezira scheme. Part II: Application and validation. Sudan Journal of Agricultural Research, 8, 77-87.
Bashir M.A., Hata T., Tada A., Tanakamaru H., and Abdelhadi A.W. (2007). Estimating actual evapotranspiration using surface energy balance algorithm for land (SEBAL) for Gezira scheme. Part I: Determination and calculation of intermediate parameters. Sudan Journal of Agricultural Research, 9, 67-89. Sudan Journal of Agricultural Research, 8, 65-76.
Adelhadi A. W., El Awad S.E.A., Bashir M.A. and Takeshi Hata. (2006). Evaluation of wheat bed planting system in irrigated Vertisols of Sudan. Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America (AMA), Vol. 37 No 3. pp. 62-67.
Abdelhadi A. W., Bashir M. A., Farah S. M. and Takeshi Hata. (2006). Implications of late sown irrigated grain sorghum on productivity and water management. Sudan Journal of Agricultural Research, pp. 1-10.
Abdelhadi, A.W., Adam, H. S., Mohamed, A. Hassan and Takeshi Hata. (2004). Participatory water management: Would it be a turning point in the history of the Gezira scheme? Irrigation and Drainage, 53: p. 429-436.
Anil Mishra, Takeshi Hata and Abdelhadi A. W. (2004). Models for recession flows in the upper Blue Nile River. Hydrological Process. Vol. 18, pp. 2773-2786.
Anil Mishra, Takeshi Hata, Abdelhadi A. W., Haruya Tanakamaru and Akio Tada (2003). Recession flow analysis of the Blue Nile River. Hydrological Processes Journal, Vol. 17, pp. 2825-2835.
Abdelhadi, A. W., O. E. Hamad and T. Hata (2000). A recession-forecast model for the Blue Nile River. Nordic Hydrology, Vol. 31 (1), pp. 41-56.
Abdelhadi, A. W., T. Hata, H. Tanakamaru and A. Tada (1999). The effects of climate changes on the prediction of crop water requirements in arid region. A case study on Sudan Gezira irrigated scheme. Transactions of Japanese Soc. of IDRE, pp. 719-725.
Abdelhadi, A. W., T. Hata, H. Tanakamaru, A. Tada and M. A. Tariq (2000). Estimation of crop water requirements in arid region using Penman-Monteith equation with derived crop coefficients: a case study on Acala cotton in Sudan Gezira irrigated scheme. Agricultural Water Management, Vol. 45, pp. 203-214.
Abdelhadi, A. W., T. Hata, O. E. Hamad, H. Tanakamaru and A. Tada. (1999). Simulation of reservoir system and irrigation projects using recent spreadsheet software. Part II, Real-time planning. Sudan Journal of Agricultural Research, pp. 51-56.