Small Grant Programs

MENA NWC’s two small grants programs provide an exciting opportunity for water research scientists and practioners to carry out creative research. Research projects must address a policy, operational, technical, or managerial issue identified by stakeholders in government, business, NGOs, or civil society. They must also address one or more of MENA NWC’s priority research areas:
- Water Efficiency and Productivity
- Groundwater
- Non-Conventional Water
- Water, Energy, Food Nexus
- Water and Sanitation
Water Innovation Fellowships (WIF) fund researchers or water practioners of any age. Applicants must be citizens and residents of a Middle Eastern and North African country where a MENA NWC Center is located and a full-time employee of an institution or entity based in the Middle East and North Africa. FABRI will pair successful applicants with member Centers of MENA NWC, based on the best fit.
Young Water Scientist Partnerships (YWSP) small grants fund (1) research scientists from two different Centers who want to undertake a joint research project, or (2) a young research scientist to join a research project that has received funding through the Network’s Policy, Research and Development (PR&D) grants program. Full-time or part-time employees of MENA NWC member Centers and affiliated Centers are eligible to seek funding for research projects under this program. Applicants must be between the ages of 21 and 40 at the time of award.