Ian McCann
Dr. Ian McCann
Research Scientist, Kuwait Institute for Science and Technology (KISR)
Kuwait City
Ph.D., Agricultural Engineering Texas A&M University 1985
Postgraduate Diploma in Agricultural Engineering Cranfield Institute of Technology, UK 1978
B.Sc., Environmental Sciences University of East Anglia, England 1976
Research Interests:
On-farm water-use efficiency and productivity
McCann, Ian, Makram Belhaj Fraj and Abdullah Dakheel. 2013. Evaluation of the Decagon® 5TE sensor as a tool for irrigation and salinity management in a sandy soil. International Conference on Agricultural Engineering: “New Technologies for Sustainable Agricultural Production and Food Security”. February 24-26, 2013. Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.McCann, Ian, Makram Belhaj Fraj and Abdullah Dakheel. 2012. Real time soil water measurement technology for improved irrigation management in arid environments. 10th Gulf Water Conference. April 2012, Doha, Qatar.
Starr, J.L., D.J. Timlin, P.M. Downey and I.R. McCann. 2009. Laboratory Evaluation of Dual-Frequency Multisensor Capacitance Probes to Monitor Soil Water and Salinity. Irrigation Science. DOI 10.1007/S00271-009-0154-3.
McCann, Ian, Adriana Bruggeman, Theib Oweis and Mustafa Pala. 2008. Modification of the FAO-56 spreadsheet program for scheduling supplemental irrigation of winter crops in a Mediterranean climate. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 24(2): 203-214.
Norman, W. Ray, Ian McCann and Abdullah Al-Ghafri. 2007. On-farm labour allocation and water use in smallholder irrigation systems: Lessons from Africa and Arabia. Irrigation and Drainage Systems. DOI 10.1007/s10795-007-9038-y