Michael Hayes
Dr. Michael Hayes
Professor/Director, National Drought Mitigation Center
Lincoln, NE
United States
Office Phone:
+1 402 472 4271
Ph.D., Atmospheric Science University of Missouri-Columbia, USA 1994
M.S., Atmospheric Science University of Missouri-Columbia, USA 1989
B.S., Meterology University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA 1986
Network Projects:
Buentgen, U., F. Martinez-Pena, J. Aldea, A. Rigling, E. Fischer, J. J. Camarero-Martinez, M. Hayes, V. Fatton, and S. Egli, 2013. Declining pine growth in Central Spain coincides with increasing Diurnal Temperature Range since the 1970s. Global and Planetary Change, 107, 177-185. [DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2013.05.013]Dubrovsky, M., M. Hayes, P. Duce, M. Trnka, M. Svoboda, and P. Zara, 2013.Multi-GCM projections of future drought and climate variability indicators for the Mediterranean region.Regional Environmental Change, [DOI: 10.1007/s101113-013-0562-z].
Swain, S., B. Wardlow, S. Narumalani, D. Rundquist, and M. Hayes. 2013. Relationships between vegetation indices and root zone soilmoisture under maize and soybean canopies in the U.S.Corn Belt: a comparative study using close-range sensingapproach. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34(8): 2814-2828. [DOI:10.1080/01431161.2012.750020]
Trnka, M., C. Kersenbaum, J. Eitzinger, M. Hayes, P. Hlavinka, M. Svoboda, M. Dubrovsky, D. Semeradova, B. Wardlow, E. Pokorny, M. Mozny, D. Wilhite, W. Waltman, and Z. Zalud, 2013. Consequences of climate change for the soil climate in central Europe and central U.S. Climatic Change, 120: 405-418. [DOI 10.1007/s10584-013-0786-4].
Botterill, L. C. and M. Hayes, 2012. Drought triggers and declarations: science and policy considerations for drought risk management. Natural Hazards, 64: 139-151.
Fontaine, M., A.Steinemann, and M.Hayes. 2012. State drought programs and plans: survey of the western U.S.Natural Hazards Review,doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)NH.1527-6996.0000094.
Ding Y., M Hayes, and M. Widhalm. 2011. Measuring economic impacts of drought: a review and discussion. Disaster Prevention and Management, 20(4): 434-446.
Hayes, M., M. Svoboda, N. Wall, and M. Widhalm. 2011. The Lincoln Declaration on Drought Indices: Universal meteorological drought index recommended. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 92(4): 485-488.