Vinay Nangia
Vinay Nangia
Senior Agricultural Hydrologist
Office Phone:
+212 5 37 68290
Mobile Phone:
+962 79 545 603
Ph.D. (Water Resources Science) University of Minnesota, USA 2005
M.S. (Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering) University of Minnesota, USA 2001
B.Tech. (Agricultural Engineering) Gujarat Agriculture University, India 1998
Research Interests:
Modeling the water/food/energy nexus
Modern irrigations systems
On-farm water-use efficiency and productivity
Soil and water management
System-wide water use management and modeling
Ogawa, A., V. Nangia, K. Shimizu, Y. Yoshioka, and T. Oweis. 201_. Water-yield relationship and optimum supplemental irrigation of wheat in a Mediterranean climate. J. Arid Land Studies (JALS). Accepted, in press.Jat, S.R., I.J. Gulati, M.L. Soni, A. Kumawat, V. Nangia, M. Glazirina, N.D. Yadava, V.S. Rathore and Birbal. 2016. Water productivity and yield analysis of groundnut using CropSyst simulation model in hyper arid partially irrigated zone of Rajasthan. J. Agron. Manuscript No. ISA/2015(10)/232. Accepted, in press.
Gowda, P.H., T.A. Howell, R.L. Baumhardt, D.O. Porter, T.H. Marek, and V. Nangia. 2016. A user-friendly interactive tool for estimating reference ET using ASCE-EWRI standardized Penman-Monteith equation. Appl Eng Agric. 32(3):xxx-xxx.
Nangia, V., M. Karrou, L. Sikaoui, and T. Oweis. 2016. Improved on-farm irrigation management for olive growing. International Journal of Water Resources Development - Special Issue: Water in the Arab World. Accepted, in press.
Yaghi, T., A.N. Aldarir, V. Nangia, A. Arslan, and B. Khozam. 2015. Predicting future situation of water and improving agricultural productivity in the Upper Orontes River Basin. Arab Journal for Arid Environments. Manuscript #5/634. ISSN: 2305-5243.
A.N. Aldarir, V. Nangia, J. Abbas, A. Arslan, B. Khozam, T. Oweis, and T. Yaghi. 2015. WEAP modeling-based study of Water Accounting System and levels of water productivity in the Upper and Middle Orontes River Basins. Al-Baath University Journal. 37(21):199-234 (in Arabic)
A.N. Aldarir, V. Nangia, J. Abbas, A. Arslan, B. Khozam, T. Oweis, and T. Yaghi. 2015. Study on the application of Water Accounting System (WAS) to assess water productivity in the Upper and Middle Orontes River Basins. Al-Baath University Journal. 37(19):179-212 (in Arabic)
Yaghi, T., A.N. Aldarir, V. Nangia, T. Oweis, and A. Arslan. 2015. Impact of climate change on water resources availability in the Orontes River Watershed: case of Homs Governorate in Syria. JJAS Manuscript #57-66-2015. ISSN: 1815-8625.
Qadir, M., E. Quillerou, V. Nangia, G. Murtaza, M. Singh, R.J. Thomas, and P. Drechsel. 2014. Economics of salt-induced land degradation and restoration. Natural Resources Forum. 38(4):282-295. doi: 10.1111/1477-8947.12054.
Wu, W., W.M. Al-Shafie, A.S. Mhaimeed, F. Ziadat, V. Nangia, and W. Payne. 2014. Salinity mapping by multiscale remote sensing in Mesopotamia, Iraq. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (IEEE J-STAR). 7(11):4442-4452. doi: 10.1109/JSTARS.2014.2360411.
Wu., W., A.H. Mhaimeed, W.M. Al-Shafie, F. Ziadat, V. Nangia, B. Dhehibi, and E. De Pauw. 2014. Mapping soil salinity changes using remote sensing in Central Iraq. Geoderma Regional. 2-3:21-31. doi: 10.1016/j.geodrs.2014.09.002.
Abi Saab, M.T., R. Albrizio, V. Nangia, F. Karam, Y. Rouphael. 2014. Developing scenarios to assess sunflower and soybean yield under different sowing dates and water regimes in the Bekaa valley (Lebanon): Simulations with Aquacrop. Int. J. of Plant Prod. 8(4).457-482. ISSN: 1735-6814.
Kumawat, A., R. Kumar, V. Nangia, V.S. Rathore, N.D. Yadava, R.S. Yadav, Birbal, M.L. Soni, and S.R. Jat. 2014. Evaluation of CropSyst model for yield and water productivity of Bt Cotton. Bioved 25(1):59-65. ISSN: 0971-0108.
Nangia, V., M. Sunohara, E. Topp, E.G. Gregorich, C.F. Drury, N. Gottschall, and D.R. Lapen. 2013. Measuring and modeling the effects of drainage water management on soil greenhouse gas fluxes from corn and soybean fields, J. Environ Mgmt. 129:652-664. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2013.05.040.
Ates, S., S. Isik, G. Keles, A.H. Aktas, M. Louhaichi, and V. Nangia. 2013. An evaluation of deficit irrigation for efficient sheep production from permanent sown pastures in a dry continental climate. Agric. Water Manage. 119(2013):135-143. doi: 10.1016/j.agwat.2012.12.017.
Gowda, P.H., D.J. Mulla, V. Nangia, and S. Ale. 2013. Scale effects on STATSGO vs. SSURGO soil database on water quality predictions. J. Water Resources Protect. 5(3):266-274. doi: 10.4236/jwarp.2013.53027.
Nangia, V., and N.D. Yadava. 2013. Improving water productivity helps provide food security in drylands. Annals of Arid Zone 51(3&4):181-191. ISSN 0570-1791.
Nangia, V., D.J. Mulla, and P.H. Gowda. 2010. Precipitation changes impact stream discharge, nitrate-nitrogen load more than agricultural management changes. J. Environ Qual. 39(6):2063-2071. doi:10.2134/jeq2010.0105.
Nangia, V., P.H. Gowda, and D.J. Mulla. 2010. Evaluation of predicted long-term water quality trends to changes in N fertilizer management practices for a cold climate, Agric. Water Manage. 97(11):1855-1860. doi: 10.1016/j.agwat.2010.06.023.
Nangia, V., P.H. Gowda, D.J. Mulla, and G.R. Sands. 2010. Water quality modeling for impacts of tile drain depth and spacing on nitrate-N losses in tile drains at the field-scale, Vadose Zone J. 9(1):61-72. doi:10.2136/vzj2008.0158.
Nangia, V., P. Wymar, and J. Klang. 2010. Evaluation of a GIS-based watershed modeling approach for sediment transport. Int J Agric & Biol Eng. 3(3):43-53. doi: 10.3965/j.issn.1934-6344.2010.03.0-0.
Nangia, V., M.D. Ahmad, J. Du, C. Yan, G. Hoogenboom, X. Mei, W. He, S. Liu, and Q. Liu. 2010. Effects of conservation agriculture on land and water productivity in the Yellow River Basin, China. Int J Agric & Biol Eng 3(2):5-17. doi: 10.3965/j.issn.1934-6344.2010.02.0-0.
Lu, X., X. Mu, V. Nangia, Y. Sui, Y. Yao, F. Wang, and P. Gao. 2010. Validation of DSSAT model on winter wheat under conservation tillage treatments in west Henan. Agricultural Research in Arid Areas 3:1-11 (in Chinese).
Lu, X., X. Mu, V. Nangia, Y. Sui, Y. Yao, F. Wang, and P. Gao. 2010. DSSAT modeling of conservation tillage practice on winter wheat in western Henan, China. Agricultural Research in Arid Areas 28(3):64-70 (in Chinese).
Lu, X., V. Nangia, X. Mu, F. Wang, Y. Sui, P. Gao, and Y. Yao. 2009. Field-scale simulation of winter-wheat leaf area index, soil moisture and water-use efficiency in Henan, China. J. Environ. Hydrology 17(9):1-11.
Nangia, V., C. de Fraiture, and H. Turral. 2008. Water quality implications of raising crop water productivity. Agric. Water Manage. 95(7):825-835. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2008.02.014 (ranked #8 on “Top 25 Hottest Articles” list for the second and third quarters of 2008 by ScienceDirect)
Nangia, V., H. Turral, and D. Molden. 2008. Increasing water productivity with improved N fertilizer management. Irri and Drain Syst. 22(3-4):193-207. doi:10.1007/s10795-008-9051-9.
Nangia, V., P.H. Gowda, D.J. Mulla, and G.R. Sands. 2008. Water quality modeling for impacts of fertilizer management practices on nitrate-N losses in tile drains at the field-scale, J. Environ Qual. 37(2):296-307. doi:10.2134/jeq2007.0224
Du*, J.T., W.Q. He, V. Nangia, C.R. Yan, M.D. Ahmad, J.X. Guo, and S. Liu. 2008. Effects of conservation tillage on soil-water content in northern arid regions of China. Trans. Chinese Soc. Ag Eng. 24(11):25-29 (in Chinese).
Sui, Y., V. Nangia, F. Wang, and Gao Peng. 2007. Study on crop growth model and its application in crop production. Tillage and Cultivation 5:17-19 (in Chinese).