Ali Al-Maktoumi
Dr. Ali Al-Maktoumi
Assistant Professor, Soils, Water, and Agricultural Engineering
Office Phone:
+968 2414 1227
Ph.D., Environmental Engineering (Water Resources) The University of Queensland, Australia 2007
M.Sc., Soil and Water Management Sultan Qaboos University, Oman 2001
B.Sc., Soil and Water Sciences Sultan Qaboos University, Oman 1998
Research Interests:
Artificial and natural groundwater recharge/discharge
Groundwater pollution and degradation
A. AlMaktoumi and A.R.Kacimov. (2002) Kinematics of Two-dimensional Solute Transport by Advective Dispersion and Gravitationally segregated Flows. Proceedings of the First Workshop on Mathematical Modelling Of Environmental Problems. Bucharest, Romania, June 17-21 (referred publication).Al-Maktoumi A., Lockington D.A, Volker R.E. (2007) SEAWAT 2000: Modelling Unstable Flow and Sensitivity to Discritization and Numerical Scheme. Hydrogeology Journal, 15(6): 1119-1129.
Kacimov A.R., Al-Ismaili, S., Al-Maktoumi A., (2009) The Green-Ampt 1-D infiltration from a ponded surface into a heterogeneous soil. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 136(1):pp68-72, ISSN0733-9437/2010/1-68-72.
Obnosov Yu.V., Kasimova R. G., Al-Maktoumi, A., Kacimov A.R, 2010. Can heterogeneity of the near-wellbore rock cause extrema of the Darcian fluid inflow rate from the formation (the Polubarinova-Kochina problem revisited)? Computers & Geosciences Journal: 36 (10): pp 1252-1260, doi>10.1016/j.cageo.2010.01.014
AL-Ismaily, S., and Al-Maktoumi, A., 2011. Studying Soil Catena in Arid-Zone Environment: Case Study for Soil Science Students. Atlas Journal of Science Education: 1 (2): 24-28, doi: 10.5147/ajse.2011.0031
Anvar Kacimov, Yurii Obnosov, Ali Al-Maktoumi, and Mohammed Al-Balushi, 2011, “How much floating light nonaqueous phase liquid can a phreatic surface sustain? Riesenkampf’s scheme revisited” Water Resources Research, Vol. 47, doi:10.1029/2010WR010369,
Said S. Al-Ismaily, Ali K. Al-Maktoumi, Anvar R. Kacimov, Said M. Al-Saqri ,Hamad A. Al-Busaidi, and Mansour H. Al-Haddabi, (2011), A Morphed Block-Crack Preferential Sedimentation: A Smart Design and Evolution in Nature. Hydrological Sciences Journal, accepted