Avi Shaviv
Dr. Abraham (Avi) Shaviv
Professor, Environmental, Water, and Agricultural Engineering
Office Phone:
+972 4 8292602
Ph.D., Soil Science Technion, Israel Institute of Technology
Research Interests:
Treated wastewater reuse
Shaviv, A. 2000. Advances in Controlled Release of Fertilizers. “Advances in Agronomy”, 71:1-49.Tamar Oved, Avi Shaviv, Tal Goldrath, Raphi T. Mandelbaum and Dror Minz 2001. Effect of effluent irrigation on community structure and function of ammonia oxidizing bacteria in soil. Applied Envir. Micro. 67 (8) 3426-3433.
Green M., Ruskol Y., Avi Shaviv, Tarre S. 2002. The effect of CO2 concentration on a nitrifying chalk reactor. Wat. Res. 36(8):2147-2151
Shavit, U., Reis, M. and Shaviv, A. 2002. Wetting mechanisms of gel based controlled release fertilizers. Submitted to J. Controlled Release.88:71-83
Shaviv, A. Smadar Raban, and E. Zaidel. 2003. Model of diffusion release from polymer coated granular fertilizers. Envir. Sci. & Tech. 37:2251-2256.
Shaviv, A. Smadar Raban, and E. Zaidel. 2003. Statistically based model for diffusion release from a population of polymer coated controlled release fertilizers., Envir. Sci. & Tech. 37:2257-2261.
Shaviv, A, Kenny, A., Y. Shmulevich, Y. Reichlin, L. Singer, A. Katzir. 2003. IR Fiberoptic Systems for In Situ and Real Time Monitoring of Nitrate in Water and Environmental Systems. Envir. Sci. & Tech. 37:2807-2812 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 2807-2812 end_of_the_skype_highlighting.
Master, Y. Stevens, U. Shavit, J. Laughlin, R. and Shaviv, A. 2003 The effect of secondary effluent irrigation on gaseous nitrogen losses. J of Envr. Qual., 32:1204-1211.
Zhou, J. M. Green, and A. Shaviv. 2003. Mineralization of organic-N originating in treated effluent used for irrigation. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (2003), 67(3), 205-213.
Master, Y. Stevens, J. Laughlin, R. and Shaviv, A. 2004. Incubation studies of N transformations in Effluent irrigated soil using labeled 15N. J of Envr. Qual., 33(3): 852-860.
Segal-Rozenhaimer, Michal; Shavit, Uri; Vengosh, Avner; Gavrieli, Ittai; Farber, Efrat; Holtzman, Ran; Mayer, Bernhard; Shaviv, Avi . 2004. Sources and Transformations of Nitrogen Compounds along the Lower Jordan River. J of Envr. Qual., 33(4): 1440-1451
Linker, R. I. Shmulevich, A. Kenny, and A. Shaviv. 2004. FTIR/ATR nitrate determination in soil pastes using PCR, PLS and Cross-Correlation. Applied Spectroscopy, 58(5): 516-520.
Du, C, Zhou, J, Shaviv, Aand Wang, H. 2004. Mathematical model for potassium release from polymer-coated fertilizer. Biosystems Engineering. 88: 395-400.
Shaviv, A and G. Sinai. 2004. Application of conditioner solution by subsurface emitters for stabilizing the surrounding soil, J. Irrigation and Drainage Engineering ASCE, 130 (6): 485-490.
Master, Y., U. Shavit and A. Shaviv. 2004. Modified Isotope Pairing Technique to Study N Transformations in Polluted Aquatic Systems. Envir. Sci. & Tech. 39:1749-1756.
Kremen, A., J. Bear, U., Shavit and A. Shaviv. 2005. A model demonstrating the potential for coupled nitrification denitrification in aggregated soil. Envir. Sci. & Tech. 39: 4180-4188
Linker, R., I. Shmulevich, A. Kenny, and A. Shaviv. 2005. Data Processing of FTIR/ATR Measurements of Nitrate Concentration in Soils, Chemosphere, 61:652-658.
Shaviv, A. 2005. Concepts for Environmental Friendly Nitrogen Fertilization. Life Sciences, (Series C of Science in China), 48(Spec. Issue), 937-947.
Raphael Linker, Michal Weiner, Itzhak Shmulevich and Avi Shaviv. 2006. Nitrate determination in soil pastes using FTIR-ATR mid-infrared spectroscopy: Improved accuracy via soil identification. Biosystems Engineering 94 (1): 111-118.
Du Changwen, Jianmin Zhou, A. Shaviv. 2006. Factors affecting release characteristics from compound N-P-K coated-crfs. Journal of Polymers and The Environment 14 (3): 223-230
Levin, Anna. Indelman P. and A. Saviv. 2007b. Influence of Root Resistivity on Plant Water Uptake Mechanism, Part II: Analytical Solutions for Low/Moderate Soil-Root Conductivity Ratio. Transport in Porous Media. Transport in Porous Media (2007), 70(1), 63-79.
Jahn, B. R, R. Linker, S. K. Upadhyaya, A. Shaviv, D. Slaughter, I. Shmulevich. 2006. Analysis of Soil Fourier Transform Infrared/Attenuated Total Reflection Spectral Data using Wavelet Analysis to Determine Soil Nitrate Content. Biosystems Engineering 94 (4): 505-515.
Linker, R and A. Sahviv. 2006. Nitrate Determination using Anion Exchange Membranes and Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy. Applied Spectroscopy 60 (9): 1008-10126
A. Borenstein; R. Linker. I Shmulevitch and A. Shaviv. 2006. Determination of soil nitrate and water content using FTIR/ATR spectroscopy. Applied Spectroscopy 60 (11): 1267-1272.
Du, Changwen; Zhou, Jianmin; Shaviv, Avi. Characteristics of potassium release from polymer-coated controlled-release fertilizer and its modeling. Nongye Gongcheng Xuebao (2006), 22(2), 18-21.
Levin, Anna. Indelman P. and A. Saviv. 2007a. Influence of Root Resistivity on Plant Water Uptake Mechanism, Part I: Numerical Solution", Transport in Porous Media. Transport in Porous Media (2007), 70(1), 81-95.
Du Changwen, Raphael Linker, Avi Shaviv. 2007. Characterization of Soils using Photoacoustic Mid-infrared Spectroscopy. Applied Spectroscopy, 61:1063-1067. http://cee.technion.ac.il/eng/ftp/characterization.pdf
Khashiboun, K.; Zilberman, A.; Shaviv, A.; Starosvetsky, J.; Armon, R. The Fate of Cryptosporidium Parvum Oocysts in Reclaimed Water Irrigation - history and Non-history Soils Irrigated with Various Effluent Qualities. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution (2007), 185(1-4), 33-41.
Du, C.; Linker, R.; Shaviv, A.. 2008. Identification of agricultural Mediterranean soils using mid-infrared photoacoustic spectroscopy. Geoderma, 143(1-2), 85-90.
Du, C., D. Tang; J. Zhou; H. Wang; and A. Shaviv. 2008. Prediction of nitrate release from polymer-coated fertilizers using an artificial neural network model. Biosystems Engineering, 99(4):478-486.
Tang, Deyuan; Du, Changwen; Wang, Huoyan; Zhou, Jianmin; Shaviv, Avi. 2008. Release characteristics of ammonium from polymer-coated compound fertilizers. Turang Xuebao, 45(2), 274-279.
Du Changwen, Raphael Linker, Avi Shaviv and Zhou Jianmin. 2009. In Situ Evaluation of Net Nitrification Rate in Terra Rossa Soil Using FTIR-ATR 15N Tracing Technique. Applied Spectroscopy, 63(10):1168-1173.
Zohar, I, A. Shaviv, and A. Paytan. 2009. Phosphorus dynamics in soils irrigated with reclaimed waste water, a study using oxygen isotopic composition of phosphate. Geoderma, 159(1-2), 109-121.
Nedal Massalha, Abraham Shaviv and Isam Sabbah. 2010. Modeling the effect of immobilization of microorganisms on the rate of biodegradation of phenol under inhibitory conditions. Water Research, Volume 44, Issue 18, October 2010, Pages 5252-5259.