Jens Grundmann
Jens Grundmann
Senior Research Associate
Office Phone:
+1 49 351 463 3555
Mobile Phone:
+1 49 157 713 2450
PhD (Dr.rer.nat) Technische Universität Dresden, Germany 2009
Diploma, Studies of Water Management, Specialization in Hydrology Technische Universität Dresden, Germany 2001
J. Seegert, T.U. Berendonk, C. Bernhofer, F. Blumensaat, I. Dombrowsky, C. Fueh- ner, J. Grundmann, N. Hagemann, T. Kalbacher, F.-D. Kopinke, R. Liedl, M. Lei- del, C. Lorz, F. Makeschin, D. Markova, S. Niemann, G. Röstel, J. Schanze, N. Scheifhacken, N. Schuetze, C. Siebert, C. Stefan, B. Strehlitz, G. Teutsch, C. Wei- gelt, H. Weiß, O. Kolditz, D. Borchardt, P. Krebs, 2014: Integrated water resources management under different hydrological, climatic and socio-economic conditions: results and lessons learned from a transdisciplinary IWRM project IWAS. Environ- mental Earth Sciences, 72, 4677-4687, DOI: 10.1007/s12665-014-3877-2.Werisch, S., Grundmann, J., Al-Dhuhli, H., Algaribi, E., Lennartz, F., 2014: Multiob- jective Parameter Estimation of Hydraulic Properties for a Sandy Soil in Oman. En- vironmental Earth Sciences, 72, 4935-4956, DOI: 10.1007/s12665-014-3537-6.
Kloss, S., Grundmann, J., Seidel, S.J., Werisch, S., Trümmer, J., Schmidhalter, U., Schütze, N., 2014: Investigation of deficit irrigation strategies combining SVAT- modeling, optimization and experiments. Environmental Earth Sciences, 72, 4901- 4915, DOI: 10.1007/s12665-014-3463-7.
Subagadis, Y., Grundmann, J., Schütze, N., & Schmitz, G.H., 2014: An integrated approach to conceptualise hydrological and socio-economic interaction for support- ing management decisions of coupled groundwater–agricultural systems. Environ- mental Earth Sciences, 72, 4917-4933, DOI: 10.1007/s12665-014-3238-1.
Walther, M., Bilke, L., Delfs, J.-O., Graf, T., Grundmann, J., Kolditz, O., & Liedl, R., 2014: Assessing the saltwater remediation potential of a three-dimensional, het- erogeneous, coastal aquifer system. Environmental Earth Sciences, DOI: 10.1007/s12665-014-3253-2.
Grundmann, J., Schütze, N., Heck, V., 2014: Optimal integrated management of groundwater resources and irrigated agriculture in arid coastal regions. In Evolving Water Resources Systems: Understanding, Predicting and Managing Water–Society Interactions, Proceedings of ICWRS2014, IAHS Publ. 364.
Subagadis, Y., Schütze, N., Grundmann, J.: Multi-criteria multi-stakeholder decision analysis using fuzzy-stochastic approach for hydrosystem management. In Evolv- ing Water Resources Systems: Understanding, Predicting and Managing Water–So- ciety Interactions, Proceedings of ICWRS2014, IAHS Publ. 364.
Philipp, A. & Grundmann, J., 2013: Integrated Modeling System for Flash Flood Routing in Ephemeral Rivers under the Influence of Groundwater Recharge Dams, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, volume 139, issue 12; DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY .1943-7900.0000766.
Grundmann J., Schütze N. and Lennartz F., 2013: Sustainable management of a cou- pled groundwater-agriculture hydrosystem using multi-criteria simulation based op- timisation. Water Science & Technology, 67.3, DOI:10.2166/wst.2012.602
Walther, M., Delfs, J.-O., Grundmann, J., Kolditz, O., & Liedl, R., 2012. Saltwater Intrusion Modeling: Verification and Application to an Agricultural Coastal Arid Region in Oman. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 236(18), 4798-4809, DOI: 0.1016/
Grundmann, J., Schütze, N., Schmitz, G.-H., & Al-Shaqsi, S., 2012. Towards an inte- grated arid zone water management using simulation based optimisation. Environ- mental Earth Sciences. 65(5), 1381-1394, DOI: 10.1007/s12665-011-1253-z.
Schütze, N., Grundmann, J. & Schmitz, G.-H., 2011: Prospects for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) through the application of simulation-based opti- mization methods illustrated by the example of agricultural coastal arid regions in Oman. Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung 55(2):52–63
Schütze, N., Grundmann, J., Kloß, S. and Schmitz, G.H., 2011: Evaluating potentials and corresponding risks of optimal deficit irrigation strategies under climate change and other sources of uncertainty. Risk in Water Resources Management (Proc. of Symposium H03 at the Joint IAHS & IUGG Convention). IAHS Publ. 347.
Herbst, M., Casper, M.C., Grundmann, J., and Buchholz, O., 2009. Comparative analysis of model behaviour for flood prediction purposes using Self-Organizing Maps, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 9, 373-392.
Casper, M.C., Herbst, M., Grundmann, J., Buchholz, O., Bliefernicht, J., 2009. Ein- fluss der Niederschlagsvariabilität auf die Simulation extremer Abflüsse in kleinen Einzugsgebieten, Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, 53(3), 134-139.