Ouiam Lahlou
Dr. Ouiam Lahlou
Office Phone:
+212 661404138
Ph.D., Doctorat Ès Sciences Agronomiques Catholic University of Louvain-La Neuve, Belgium and Agronomy and Veterinary Institute (IAV) Hassan II, Morocco 2005
Engineering Degree, Agronomy Agronomy and Veterinary Institute (IAV) Hassan II, Morocco 1990
Diplôme d’Agronomie Générale Agronomy and Veterinary Institute (IAV) Hassan II, Morocco 1986
Research Interests:
On-farm water-use efficiency and productivity
Water valuation and pricing
Nyabeze, W.R; L. Dlamini; O.Lahlou; Y.Imani; S.B. Alaoui and S. vermooten: Assessing existing drought monitoring and forecasting capacities, mitigation and adaptation practices in Africa: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 14, EGU2012-5782, 2012Jabarin, A and O, Lahlou: Notes from the Advancing the Blue Revelation Initiative (ABRI)-Introducing Commercialization to Water Users Associations in MENA region-The case of Egypt, Morocco and Jordan”, Al-Montada of the Arab Network for Environment and Development (RAED), Issue No. 210 -September 2009.
Lahlou. O and J.F. Ledent: Root mass and depth, stolons and roots formed on stolons in four cultivars of potato under water stress (2005). European Journal of Agronomy 22: 159-173
Lahlou. O; S. Ouattar and J.F. Ledent The effect of drought and cultivar on growth parameters, yield and yield components of potato (2003). Agronomie 23: 257-268.
Lahlou. O; A. Amri : Diagnostic et évaluation technico-économiques des différents systèmes d’irrigation pratiqués sur céréales dans la zone du Gharb (1999). Transfert des résultats aux agriculteurs. ORMVAG, World Bank.