Said Ouattar
Dr. Said Ouattar
Director General, IAV Hassan II
Ph.D., Agriculture Sciences University of Minnesota, St. Paul 1985
Cycle Supérieur de Gestion, Institut Supérieur de Gestion et d'Administration des Entreprises ISCAE, Maroc 1996
B.Sc., Agriculture IAV Hassan II, Morocco 1973
Research Interests:
Artificial and natural groundwater recharge/discharge
Modern irrigations systems
On-farm water-use efficiency and productivity
System-wide water use management and modeling
Treated wastewater reuse
Improving water user efficiencies in large scale irrigated perimeters: Use of Sebal and Metric systems to monitor water use at 3 irrigated perimeters in Morocco. Riverside Technology Inc. and World bank, 2008-2009.“Large Scale Irrigation Modernization Project”. Moroccan water sector and constraints facing irrigated agriculture » 2007. Consultant, World Bank.
“Moroccan water sector and constraints facing irrigated agriculture » 2005-2006, FAO, World Bank.
Water savings in agriculture. Publication of an irrigation best practices guide to improve water savings in irrigated intensive agriculture. USAID-DAI Project, Office Régional de Mise en Valeur Agricole, 2004.
Consultant, USAID-FORWARD Project, Collaborative Approaches for Resolving Water Issues: Water database needs assessment and supporting the Creation of a New River Basin Authority in the Souss-Massa, Morocco, 1999. USAID-FORWARD.
Sustainability of Water Resources in Morocco, Natural Resources Management and Sustainable Development Strategies, Environment Ministry and USAID, 1997-1999.
Water Pollution prevention in Souss-Massa, Morocco: Elaboration of water consumption best practices guide for the tourist sector in Agadir, 2004. USAID and Development Alternatives, Inc., Bethesda, Maryland.
Collaborative Approaches for Resolving Water Issues: Water database needs assessment and supporting the Creation of a New River Basin Authority in the Souss-Massa, Morocco, 1999. USAID-FORWARD.