Water Innovation Fellowships
Water Innovation Fellowships (WIF) are designed to have a concrete impact in the water sector. Research projects must address a policy, operational, technical, or managerial issue identified by stakeholders in government, business, NGOs, or civil society. They must also address one or more of MENA NWC’s priority research areas:
- Water Efficiency and Productivity
- Groundwater
- Non-Conventional Water
- Water, Energy, Food Nexus
- Water and Sanitation
A funding pool of US $250,000 is available for fellowships under this program. Research projects may range in size from $5,000 to $25,000, with most projects anticipated to be at the lower range. Fellows must be citizens and residents of a Middle Eastern and North African country where a MENA NWC Center is located and a full-time employee of an institution or entity based in the Middle East and North Africa.
Fellowships seek to build a strong partnership between one research scientist or one water practitioner and one Network Center. FABRI will pair successful applicants with member Centers of MENA NWC, based on the best fit.