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Technical Communities
MENA NWC’s technical activities focus on five high profile, critical water issues in the Middle East and North Africa. Under the large tent of these five Technical Communities, research scientists and water practitioners are building research and commercial partnerships across the region and internationally, joining online Network Exchanges, attending in-person and virtual events, and creating and taking advantage of capability building opportunities.
Skills Building Communities
The Network’s activities reach beyond technical issues to address common concerns of member Centers as they build their research skills and professional alliances with governments, the private sector, and civil society. These communities strengthen institutions, their research and outreach programs, and their researchers and scientists.
Network Exchanges

Policy, Research and Development (PR&D) Grants
The Policy, Research and Development (PR&D) grants program is challenging researchers to implement applied research project new ways: to develop research outcomes with more immediate impact, to engage stakeholders, and to form partnerships with researchers in other institutions and countries.